Bob Rescorla, a member of Penn’s Psychology faculty from 1981 to 2009, passed away on March 24. He was widely regarded as the heir to Ivan Pavlov...
Psychology is the science of mind, brain, and behavior. The Department of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania is the oldest continuously functioning psychology department in North America.
Students in Rob DeRubeis's lab code sessions of cognitive therapy for depression to identify therapist and client behaviors related to better treatment outcome.
By analyzing participants' eye movements to task-relevant display as they follow spoken instructions to manipulate one of the pictured objects on the display, research in Delphine Dahan's lab examines speech comprehension in real time.
维基百科的可用Hosts文件-月光博客:2021-12-21 · 对于很多来中国用户来说,网络百科全书是学习知识的一个重要途径,目前全球公认的质量较高的网络百科全书是维基百科,不过目前因为种种原因,中国大陆无法直接访问中文维基百科,这里就介绍一个简单的方法,通过修改Hosts文件来访问中文维基百科网站。

Harvey Grill and lab members have shown that leptin, a hormone made in fat, acts on the same neurons in the brain that respond to signals arising from food in the stomach. Immunohistochemical images of **green** pSTAT leptin responsive cells, **red** c-Fos stomach distention responsive cells and yellow neurons responsive to both signals
November 25, 2023
This award recognizes people and their impact on the Cognitive Science community, and sustained record of excellence in research contributions....
November 25, 2023
This award recognizes people and their impact on the Cognitive Science community, and sustained record of excellence in research contributions....
12VPN:在中国低调又好用的科学上网工具 – BAFA说:2021-6-15 · 我其实是不想把那么好用的科学上网工具写出来的,主要是最近太多朋友一直和我抱怨,工作、学习受到了很大影响,哪里还有好用的FQ工具啊,这才把压箱底的好东西【12VPN】拿出来了。 不管怎样,请大家遵纪守法,严禁非法使用。
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